Gena Grant
Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina
Atlanta College of Art BFA
Partial List:
2020; Light Space Time Gallery, juried show, special recognition
2017: Fabulon Gallery, juried group show
2017: Piccolo Spoleto, juried show
2016: Fabulon Gallery, invitational two person show
2016: Piccolo Spoleto, juried show
2015: Piccolo Spoleto, juried show
2014: The Art Institute of Charleston, group show
2009-2012: Sculpture on display at The Cultural Affairs Office of Charleston, SC
2012 Art Institute of Charleston, group show
2010: Sculpture Celebration, Caldwell Arts Council, Lenore, NC, group show
2009: New Perspectives Gallery, Piccolo Spoleto, group show
2008: Peggy Howe Gallery, “Some of Us” group show
2008: City Gallery at Waterfront Park, Chas., SC, solo show
2005: City Gallery at Dock Street Theatre, Chas., SC, solo show
2004: Piccolo Spoleto: juried group show
2003: Piccolo Spoleto: juried group show
2003: Joe Riley Stadium, Charleston, SC. Riverdogs Baseball invitational show
1995 to present: The Contemporary Museum, Honolulu, Hi.
1994: The Design Gallery at UC, Davis, International Juried Mask Exhibition, 3rd prize
1992-1995: The Crocker Museum, Sac., CA, group Ca. artist show
1992-1994: represented by Southwest Art Gallery, Sac. CA.
1992-1994: represented by Art California Art Gallery, Sac. CA.
1994: National award, best overall t shirt design for US government legal services
1992: National award, most creative t shirt design for Legal Services of Northern CA.
1989: Mayor’s Office, Sac. CA. designed poster Homeless Census Project
1985: I Street Gallery, Sac. performance art piece
1985: Idea Gallery, Sac. CA. performance art piece
1984: Art’s Alive, Ch 6, PBS, juried video show, 3rd place, Sac. CA
1984: Nelson Art Gallery, UCDavis, invitational group show
Before this in Atlanta I did a lot of performance art, had my own dance co. and danced
in a nationally known rock theatre orchestra.
Press “My Top 10 Free Visual Arts Events To See at Piccolo Spoleto” Columbia, SC 5/24/2009
City Paper: review April 16, 2008, Chas. SC
Post and Courier: Preview, April 3, 2008
Carolina Arts, November issue 2005
Sacramento Bee: review and cover picture for publicity photos for various publications
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Rolling Stone